John Kuempel was sworn in on December 30, 2010, to the 81st Legislature and is serving his
eighth term as State Representative from District 44. The district is comprised of Guadalupe
and Gonzales Counties.
John received a bachelor's degree from the University of Texas at Austin. He was born and
raised in Seguin and graduated from Seguin High School. He was active in high school sports,
playing football and baseball before becoming a walk-on member of the University of Texas
football team.
Since his college graduation, John has been employed as a Salesman at Commercial Metals
Company in Seguin.
Rep. Kuempel currently serves as Chairman of the Higher Education Committee where he has
prioritized making resources available to students for the completion of postsecondary programs
and helping Texans remain competitive by earning credentials that align skills with workforce
demands. As a senior member appointed to the Environmental Regulation Committee, he
oversees air, land, and water pollution, and the environmental regulation of industrial
development. In addition, Rep. Kuempel also oversees the administration operation of the Texas
House of Representatives as a member of the House Administration Committee.
While serving in the legislature, Rep. Kuempel has been a part of numerous conservative pieces
of legislation ranging in a wide array of subjects. He has helped shut down the radical left from
defunding the police and has outlawed all transgender surgeries on minors. He made historic cuts
to individual’s property taxes to the tune of more than $18 Billion – the largest state tax cut in
American history. He has also increased border funding by more than $6 Billion, protected kids
online by preventing sexual predators and Big Tech from preying on them, and while Chairman
of the Higher Education Committee, he worked to eliminate the woke Diversity, Equity, and
Inclusion (DEI) offices from all Texas State Funded universities.
Currently, Rep. Kuempel is serving a two-year term as a member of the National Conference of
State Legislatures Task Force on Higher Education Affordability and Student Outcomes. The
Task Force is a bipartisan group of state legislative leaders in higher education that explore state
and federal strategies to make college more affordable for students and taxpayers, improve
completion rates, and reduce the incidence of unrepayable student debt.
“Throughout my service in the legislature, there have been numerous legislative victories that I
have been able to deliver for the constituents of House District 44. From helping pass a $18
billion-dollar property tax relief package - the largest state tax cut in American history - to
invest more funds into our educational system than ever before. I am proud to have been a
part of some of the most conservative and fiscally responsible legislation in Texas history.”
In 2022, he was appointed by Speaker Phelan to Co-Chair the Environmental Flows Advisory
Group to study public policy implications for balancing the demands on the water resources of
our state. Since 2011, John has served on the Energy Council, a non-profit organization that
helps promote a balanced national energy strategy and related environmental policies at the state
Representative Kuempel has been honored each session by the Texas Association of Business
and has been named a “Champion of Free Enterprise”. He was also a recipient of The Raise
Your Hand Texas Public Education Champion Award for his outstanding achievement and
steadfast commitment to Texas public education.
Like his parents, the late Edmund Kuempel and Roberta Blumberg Kuempel of Seguin, John is
actively involved in his community. He is a member of the Seguin Rotary Club, the Guadalupe
County 100 Club, Texas Farm Bureau, and Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association.
John is an avid outdoorsman and serves as a Texas Parks & Wildlife Honorary Game Warden.
He is also a life member of the National Rifle Association and the Texas State Rifle Association.
John and his wife, Michelle, are parents of twin boys. They are active members of Faith
Lutheran Church in Seguin.
The couple supports several local charitable entities such as Guadalupe Regional Hospice,
Seguin Education Foundation, Wade Busby Memorial, Tejas Literacy Club, Texas Agriculture
Education and Heritage Center and County Youth Shows.